Technology meets future.

Vehicle steering systems

Klotz steering test benches for passenger cars and commercial vehicles are used by many well-known manufacturers: end-of-line test benches, test benches for quality assurance, development test benches and final assembly systems for servo and recirculating ball steering systems. For example, performance, tightness, acoustics, fatigue strength, load capacity and other criteria are tested.

In addition to systems for hydraulic steering systems (HPS), Klotz has also been building assembly and testing systems for EPS and EPAS steering systems and their components since 2006. Klotz has a strong team and a comprehensive library of solutions in the field of test bench software. Residual bus simulation for FlexRay and CAN systems are an integral part of many systems.

Klotz has realized test benches and assembly systems for both Rack-EPS (R-EPS) and Column-EPS (C-EPS).

Klotz systems offer very high availability in continuous operation (24 h).

The assembly and testing systems are in use worldwide, e.g. in Brazil, China, Germany, France, Russia and the Czech Republic.

Final assembly and testing of servo-electric steering drives

The assembly line for the final assembly and testing of servo-electric steering drives includes tasks such as joining and bolting the motor and ECU, welding contacts, surface pre-treatment, gluing the protective cover, flashing the ECU, leak testing and functional testing, whereby strict requirements for technical availability, cleanliness and ESD must be met.
2013 until today
final assembly servo-electric steering drive

End-of-line testing for electric power steering systems (EPS/EPAS)

The end-of-line test for EPS/EPAS steering gears ensures a 100% test, including functional and acoustic testing. Modern Klotz steering gear test benches enable precise computer-controlled function tests for mechanical and electromechanical steering gears. Integrated residual bus simulation (CAN/Flexray) and equipment with robust structures, load units, docking units for vehicle points, torque measurement and user-friendly operating console ensure the highest quality standards.
2008 until today
End of line test bench for electric power steering systems

Service life test bench for rack and pinion steering systems with integrated web server

Service life test bench for rack and pinion steering systems with integrated web server